Also, please make sure you know what you're doing if you leave "trustServerCertificate=true " in the URL. If you leave the drop down next to URL on "default", it will attempt to use a user name/password, which is not what you want if you're using integrated authentication. Picture of General tab in Project Data Sources For any of supported engines it provides database introspection and. If the DBMS has a JDBC driver you can connect to it via DataGrip. MongoDB, Cassandra, ClickHouse, Greenplum, Apache Hive, Vertica, HyperSQL, Apache Derby and H2. Then, on the general tab, make sure to change the drop down menu next to the URL, to "URL only" and put in a URL of the form: jdbc:sqlserver:// database=testdatabase integratedSecurity=true authenticationScheme=JavaKerberos encrypt=true trustServerCertificate=true Get the latest version of datagrip for Linux - DataGrip. Scylla supports the CQL binary protocol version 3, so any Apache Cassandra/CQL driver that implements the same version, works with Scylla.

Picture of Advanced tab in Project Data Sources showing authentication scheme

Picture of Advanced tab in Project Data Sources
Enter the following details on Data Source and Drivers dialog: If a driver is missing, you can download it by clicking the Download link at. Click icon in the Database tool window and select Data Source > Exasol. Make sure to set the jdbc driver to use integrated security and Java Kerberos. Launch DataGrip and do one of the following to create Exasol as a data source: Select File > New > Data Source > Exasol. Note that I did not have to do "Step 2: Configuring KDC in nf". If you have a Kerberos ticket, you should see: Aug 29 12:17:34 2018 Aug 29 22:17:34 2018 used this article on Connecting using ActiveDirectoryIntegrated Authentication Mode to troubleshoot this. (First, I'm assuming you have Kerberos working. I was able to connect on MacOS in Intellij 2018.2 using the Microsoft 7.0.0 SQL Server jdbc driver.